How to announce a new job on Linkedin

Find out how to create a compelling LinkedIn announcement when you begin a new position.

LinkedIn is a fantastic platform for networking with industry experts and boosting your professional profile. There are two methods that you can share the news that you started a new job. 

You can activate the “notify network” option and add your new position to the “experience” area. By doing this, a standardized announcement will be made to your connections—the people in your immediate network—about your new job. However, you can also create a longer, more intimate statement to outline what you’ll be doing and express gratitude to everybody who has assisted you thus far. 

In order to help you craft the ideal content for your profile, we’ll go through the key components of an attention-grabbing job announcement on LinkedIn in this post.  

Posting a job announcement on LinkedIn

Posted On



Last Date

No. of Vacancies

Hiring Organization



20,000 PKR

Employment Type

Part Time


0 Months



Age Limit

When thinking about utilizing a more personal post to announce your new job on LinkedIn, there are three things to keep in mind: what you say, how you say it, and when you publish the information. Let’s go over each of them: 

What should be included in a LinkedIn job posting

A thorough job announcement on LinkedIn will typically contain your new title, enthusiasm for the opportunity, and appreciation for your new or prior colleagues. Hashtags and images can both be included in posts. 

Keep your announcement to two to three sentences overall. The following elements should be included in each LinkedIn job posting, though you can choose which ones to use: 

  • A hook that attracts attention

Make it clear to your followers that this isn’t a regular post. To get their attention, use phrases like “I’m thrilled to share,” “I’m excited to announce,” or “Big news!” Such a “hook” will set up the news that will come next.  

  • Information regarding your current position

Describe your new position and the organization you have joined. If you don’t want to specify your title, you can include your main areas of interest, such as “social media marketing” or “product design.” 

  • What you’re anticipating

Expand on your job summary by mentioning the aspects of your new position that you are most looking forward to. Maybe you changed industries and are eager to learn more, or maybe your duties are growing, or maybe you’re learning to be more creative in some way. 

  • Gratitude

Many people include expressions of gratitude in job postings, either by praising new team members who have already made them feel welcome or by mentioning old coworkers they loved working with. 

  • A picture 

Find a photo, graphic, or other type of image to accompany your article. It might be something you took yourself, like a photo of your new office setup, or it can be something that is widely available, like the company’s emblem. Find a graphic image that fits the announcement’s work-related theme if you have access to them. 

  • Hashtags and tags

Many users use hashtags at the end of their posts to make it simpler for people outside of their immediate network to find them, coupled with tags (typing @ followed by a person’s name) to explicitly draw attention to former and current coworkers. Think about including these components to increase the visibility of your content.

Examples of job postings

Although it’s typically a good idea to discuss what you’ll be doing and where you don’t have to mention every single one of the six items above. How much and how specifically you want to share will determine the piece you ultimately write. 

We’ve created four sample posts based on the above advice so you can see the many options: 

Brief and sweet: I’m happy to announce that I’ve joined Company X as a software developer, and I can’t wait to start working with this incredible team and focusing more on research. #newjob #softwaredevelopment

Looking ahead: Today is my first day as a senior product manager at @CompanyX. I’ll be leading some of our upcoming launches with a fantastic team, and I’m looking forward to diving into the data to learn more about our users’ needs so we can better serve them.

Bring up the past: I’m thrilled to announce that I started a new job this week as Company X’s new social media coordinator. The first week has already been amazing, and I can’t wait to develop with this artistic team and test out new concepts. Thank you to my wonderful coworkers [@tag] and [@tag], who played a crucial role in my development at Company A. Working with you two will be missed! But I’m prepared for what is ahead.  

Say thank you: I’m starting a new chapter this week with Company X as a data analyst. I want to express my sincere gratitude to [person’s name] in particular for their outstanding support over the past three years as I embarked on my pursuit of a new career. Project management was a job I loved, but I always found myself drawn to the motivations behind each objective. I am eager to continue along this new road after completing an internship with Agency X and receiving a professional credential in project management from Google. new job, let’s grow 

When should you announce your new position?

It’s recommended to hold off on making your announcement until at least the first day of your new work. In fact, a lot of people hold off until the end of the first week so they may reflect more fully. 

Even if you might want to announce your news sooner, it’s a good idea to wait until you’ve officially begun working for your new employer after wrapping up all of your obligations at your old one. Never make an announcement before you have formally left your position.  It’s preferable to wait until you’ve begun before posting anything since, although it’s uncommon, there have been occasions when a corporation needs to cancel an offer. 

Why you should consider posting your new job on LinkedIn

LinkedIn can increase awareness of your new job posting and provide networking opportunities. 

  • Visibility: Depending on your job goals, you could wish to raise your profile in both the field you work in and the work you do. Sharing information about your new job on LinkedIn might increase the perception of you as a smart and experienced professional.  
  • Networking: Connecting with people at your firm and in your field may be very helpful for gaining possible mentors, making friends with others in your sector, and even learning about future chances. Find out more about expanding your network.

Additional LinkedIn uses following the start of a new job 

You should try to get to know coworkers and expand your network throughout your initial few weeks at a new job and throughout your employment there. It can be a terrific method to maintain relationships with employees across your organization and keep in touch as some of them embark on interesting new projects. 

In addition, we’ve compiled the following LinkedIn advice: 

  • How to Make a Profile on LinkedIn
  • Utilizing LinkedIn
  • How to Create an Attention-Grabbing LinkedIn Summary
  • How to Write a Recommendation for LinkedIn


A crucial step in developing your professional identity and widening your network is posting a fresh job announcement on LinkedIn. You may leave a lasting impression on potential employers by making your profile stand out, writing an interesting announcement post, and interacting with your contacts on a regular basis.


How can I stand out with my LinkedIn announcement?

Create a catchy headline, highlight your accomplishments, and give your announcement post a personal touch to make it stand out.

What time of day should I publish my LinkedIn announcement?

When your target audience is most active, which is during business hours on weekdays, posting is optimal.

Are hashtags appropriate for my announcement post?

Yes, including pertinent hashtags can help make your content more visible.

What should I say in response to messages of congratulations on my announcement post?

Thank those who have congratulated you and held in-depth discussions regarding your new position.

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